Minor loss coefficient for bends in water cad
Minor loss coefficient for bends in water cad

Note that minor losses do not apply to the following valve types: General Purpose Valve and Valve With Linear Area Change. The minor loss is applied to the valve when it is fully open (inactive). You can either type the value directly in this field or select the value from the minor loss library. Minor Loss Coefficient (Local): User-input minor loss coefficient.Specify Local Minor Loss?: If True, the minor coefficient for the element is manually set in the Minor Loss Coefficient (Local) field otherwise the value is derived from the minor loss library.Used in lieu of minor loss for valves of this coefficient type. Discharge Coefficient (Fully Open): The discharge coefficient of the valve when fully open.If entering discharge coefficient, the value is internally converted into an equivalent headloss coefficient (minor loss). Valve Coefficient Type: Specifies which type of coefficient to enter for the control valve.Used to calculate the velocity through the valve and a corresponding minor loss when a minor loss coefficient is entered. Diameter (Valve): Inside diameter of the valve.Status (Initial): Choices: Active, Inactive, Closed.Note that changes made to a valve's setting by patterns will override any settings changes made by controls. For pressure valves the setting applies to the valve's effective pressure setting irrespective of the Setting Type. For settings patterns to work the valve must have a Status (Initial) equal to Active. Pattern (Valve Settings): Allows you to apply a pattern to make changes to the valve's setting over time for use in extended period simulations.

minor loss coefficient for bends in water cad

  • Hydraulic Grade Setting (Initial): Specify the initial hydraulic grade setting for the valve.
  • Pressure Setting (Initial): Specify the initial pressure setting for the valve.
  • Setting Type: Choices: Pressure, Hydraulic Grade.
  • Valve Type: Choices: Butterfly, Needle, Circular Gate, Globe, Ball, User Defined.
  • The default curve will have (Relative Closure, Relative Area) points of (0,1) and (1,0). If the Valve Characteristic Curve is not defined then a default curve will be used.
  • Valve Characteristics: Specifies the valve characteristics definition to be used for this valve.
  • Hydraulic Grade Setting (Initial, Transient): The initial HGL setting for the transient simulation.
  • Operating Rule: Specifies the operation of the valve during a transient simulation.
  • Discharge Coefficient (Transient): Discharge coefficient, Cv, is defined as: Flow / (Pressure Drop) ^ 0.5.
  • Hyperlinks: Associate one or more web link, photo, word processing document, or other file with this element.
  • GIS-IDs: List of associated IDs on the GIS/data-source side.
  • Notes: Additional information about this element.
  • Label: Descriptive label for this element.
  • minor loss coefficient for bends in water cad

    ID: Unique identifier assigned to this element.

    Minor loss coefficient for bends in water cad